The most important intervention in obstetric surgery is cesarean and it constitutes approximately 25% of all deliveries with an increasing incidence. While the safety and optimal conditions of only one person are tried to be provided in a normal surgical anesthesia. The safety of the mother and the fetus affected by any changes that occur in the mother during cesarean period must also be ensured. This gives a special feature to cesarean anesthesia. Despite the increasing number of cesarean cases, maternal mortality rate is gradually decreasing due to developments in anesthesia. One of the most important reasons for this is that regional anesthesia is preferred instead of general anesthesia. The reasons why regional anesthesia has been preferred more in recent years include the patient's desire, awareness, not losing spontaneous breathing and risk of aspiration, not causing uterine atony, not causing respiratory depression in the newborn, providing early mobilization in the postoperative period and shortening the duration of hospital stay.
Kevser Kala, Meral Somer, Deniz Turan and Serdar Epözdemir